
Lainox launches Lainox TV

On April 19, 2017 Lainox launched its very own web TV dedicated especially to Lainox customers.

The way in which we communicate has changed radically over the past few years. As a result, we have noticed that fewer and fewer people read traditional brochures, user manuals, recipe books, etc. and that the demand for ongoing customer training has increased dramatically. These changes inspired us to create Lainox TV.

With Lainox TV, users can follow Lainox’s events live from trade fairs, to demos, to training seminars, and cookery courses for example. When there are no live updates, users can choose from a host of videos to watch in streaming, such as video recipes, training information, and video tutorials.

Once again, Lainox, true to its pioneering spirit, continues to offer “unique” support to its customers by continually striving to provide innovation in communication.

For further information:

Press Office Lainox Ali S.p.A.

Antonella Da Ros

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